Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Here I go....

I have decided to begin a 101 in 1001 journey. I read about on a friend's blog and decided it would be a fun challenge to widen my horizons and accomplish things I have always wanted to but never have gotten around to. It was easy for me to come up with my first 20 things, and from there it was a bit challenging. As I was about finished making my list, I set my pen down, and told my husband "I don't think I am going to do this" he asked "why?" and I responded with "What if I don't write things down that I really want to do? What if I am forgetting things?" He inspired me to take the challenge and said it will help me to get out and actually do fun things that I have been wanting to. This should be considered a jump start to those activities. I was thankful for his continued encouragement and am glad I am going to take this journey. Having me talk about it so much, he is working on a list of his own...he is not quite ready to begin yet though. I am hoping to keep up with the blog and work towards accomplishing many of the items that reside on my list! Hope you enjoy reading about my journey along the way, and it would be fun if I could inspire you as my friend did me!

1 comment:

  1. Can i be the recipient of your snail mail??? ;) auntie g xoxo
