Sunday, November 27, 2011


This is so disgusting, I am SOOOOO completely embarrassed of posting out the INSIDE of my oven!!! My mom told me about (well gave me the rest of her can) of EASY OFF Oven Cleaner...and boy does it work! I sprayed it on and let it sit (it said for 2 hours, or over night) for about 5 hours and then wiped it down. The only this I wish is that I had a scouring pad or steel wool or something for the spots that a sponge wouldn't scrub off. Oh well, next time. This is def. a better start than what my oven I said DISGUSTING!!! We have lived here 4 years and I have never cleaned the oven...WHOOPS! That is never on my cleaning list...I guess it needs to be at least twice a year!!! View at your OWN risk!
BEFORE: door I said, I need a scouring pad to get some stuff that is REALLY stuck on there!
Much better though
Big improvement!


  1. in these technological days of self-cleaning ovens I'm surprised that Easy Off is still available :) I've always hated the smell though, pretty toxic stuff if you think about what it's able to do to all that baked on stuff! Good luck keeping up with it though.

  2. p.s. you know when you post and they give you that word to type in for security, or whatever? well, my word was mantalat, so close to mantalas it was pretty eerie!!
